Saturday, March 6, 2021

How to face rejection

When you feel rejected in life, it is an indication that God has something special for you.

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How to face rejection

When you don't fit in where they don't like you, they don't respond to you, when you're on the outside of the curb, when they don't appoint you, vote for you, celebrate you, remember that God does not want you to fit in, because if you fit in and get to the place where God is taking you, somebody will try to take credit for your getting there.

Rejection can be defined as the sense of being unwanted. You want people in your life to love you, but you believe for whatever reason, that they do not, nor will they ever love you. Maybe you didn't feel the love of your mother, or maybe you never felt the acceptance from your father. 

The reason some of you may feel rejection is that you were in a storm with your husband or wife, who betrayed your wedding vows, who was unfaithful to you and left you for someone else, it is a deep wound in your souls that has never healed. Divorce was bitter, it was vicious, and it left you with a wounded spirit. Some of you feel rejection and resentment because you were passed over for promotion at your job, or your business partner destroyed your business through deception.

You do not know the anguish, the heartache, the horror that the people around you have been going through, the anguish of their heart, the torment of their mind, the tears that have ripped down their cheeks and fallen into their pills.

If somebody has hurt you, wounded you, or did something to you that you would have never ever imagined, and you feel like you could never trust anybody again, but always remember this, don't ever let what one or even five mean people do to you, get you into an area where you distrust every person out there. It's miserable for you.

All of us are going to be rejected, every single one of us have been rejected and we're going to be rejected because love is our greatest need as human beings, we were created by God. God is love, we were created by love to love that is the common denominator of men, women, young and old, all over the earth.

Our greatest need is love, and because of that rejection is our greatest fear, it’s the greatest card that we have in our lives and it's our greatest control point. Many people are controlled, their entire lives by the fear of rejection, and the corresponding need for love and approval, and because of this it changes how we live and make our decisions. Many times it changes us and how we treat people.

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How to face rejection

Divorce is a huge scar of rejection, adultery, abandonment, emotional and physical abuse, neglect, not being chosen, favored or accepted for who you are, which includes; racism, sexism, discrimination, having to attain physical, financial, social or spiritual standards to be accepted that are out of your reach.

Even thoughts like I can't get there, I'm not tall enough, pretty enough, smart enough, rich enough, I just can't get there so I'm excluded and rejected. Chronic lack of employment can cause a deep rejection in a person's life, being rejected by a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend or someone you desire to have a relationship with, or have had a relationship with obviously very deep rejection.

  When you get rejected, it's a sign that you are special to God.

Don't let people get inside your hide, because they're always going to hurt you, people don't care about you, they just want to use you and get what they want. Tell yourself that I'm living for myself and I'm not going to let other people hurt me. These are the little things that program us. Because love is our greatest need, rejection is our greatest control point and we go through life being rejected and get programmed, whether we realize that or not, and we go through life with these programs in our software that are running us and we don't know it.

Another way that we react to rejection is being overly sensitive to rejection and overly dependent upon the approval of other people.

God has something special for you, don’t be discouraged or dismayed, they're going to try to hurt you, but they can't hurt you, they can't harm you. If they talked about you, rejected you, they didn't want you around, they didn't want you on the team, they didn't give you the promotion that you've earned, it's God's way of telling you I got you. Base your life on God's perfect love.

When your family members push you to the curb, instead of crying and complaining, or being upset about it, remember it's an indication that you are special, God will never leave you nor forsake you. So, we may boldly say the Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man can do to me.


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